Just do it, GET IT
Hard and soft copies of ‘Private Equity Laid bare’ are available on the main Amazon websites — please click on the links below to purchase the book.
Buy the book on the site of a great & fairly united kingdom (UK)
Buy the book on the American site (US)
Achète le livre sur le site des vice champions du monde (FR)
Now available in the Netherlands !!

Latest version is 3.0. Note that the audiobook version is based on the previous edition (1.0) and that the book is also available electronically on Kortext.
Nota Bene (y tutti frutti):
. Amazon routinely offers discounts in some countries — it may then be cheaper to ship it from another country than the one you are living in.
. If you received an older version than the latest one available — this is not supposed to be so. Send it back to Amazon and order it from another country or buy the online version on this website.
. Kindle formatting can be tricky for a textbook like this. Note that you can always be refunded by Amazon if you do not like the format.
A (first edition) book synopsis — available here. Synopsis here is much better (since I did not write it).