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Warning: Quality varies greatly from one video to the other

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Some videos below

A very frequently asked question:

A nice (and recent) interview

My debate with David Robinson is quite cool:

An interview with a famous comedian on private equity:



SEC testimony on Marketing of PE funds, available here, along the one of Josh Lerner and others. Mine starts at 4h13m


Performance is my specialty, here is the latest one:








I also teach a few hours on the Real Estate executive course at SBS-Oxford

Overview of the first edition of the book — poorly filmed (remote webcam) but content ok

Covers part of Chapter 10 — portfolio company fees; the best-seller video at present

Related video — comments on discussions at a CalPERS IC meeting [but they took it out of youtube somehow….]

Probably best filmed one, and probably my best-seller presentation, EMBA lecture — Covers part on performance

Interviews — not much new stuff compared to above material, but short


Another quick one


 VIDEOS without me on it — My selection

My favorite graduation speech (especially point 3)

And on PE, this is not bad: